It's simple :-) - this website is about gluten free baking.
Baking great tasting gluten free goodies that the whole family wants to eat. Wants to and can.
Things like;
Freshly baked bread
or Vanilla Slice
or a scrumptious Chocolate Lava Cake
or any of the other delicious morsels whose recipes appear on this website.
Basically I view wheat flour as the “vehicle” that is used to bring us flavour and texture in food. It itself does not have the “wow” factor. It is hard to imagine someone saying “the wheat flour of 2008 was simply superb, far superior to any other years”. Whereas I can easily imagine someone saying “OMG that chocolate cake was fricken awesome!!!!!”. The cake may or may not contain wheat flour but the flour isn’t the focus for the person consuming it. It is simply about the awesome chocolate concoction.
I am not gluten intolerant or a coeliac or have any food allergies (that I know). However during my treatment for cancer I have been an insulin dependent diabetic and been on other restrictive diets and would be frustrated when I couldn’t eat my favourite things. At present I have no restrictions (apart from not eating too much) so essentially I can trial wheat based recipes, taste the product and then convert it to a gluten free recipe.
P.S. All photos are of the food I have cooked at home (and then it usually gets eaten) and the majority of the photos I have taken – unless I am in them (excluding selfies!).
Simply Enjoy!