Two Toned Pasta
This recipe was designed specifically to be made with Bakers' Magic gluten free flour. The finished baked product will not be the same if you use another gluten free flour and you will need to adjust the recipe, particularly if the flour you're using contains rice flour.
225 g Bakers' Magic Gluten free flour
1 tsp salt
25 g oil (I used Rice Bran Oil)
3 eggs
extra flour
+ ingredients for colouring pasta (cocoa, squid ink, spinach, food colouring etc.)
You will need a Pasta machine
I made the pasta using my Thermomix however a kitchen whiz or device with a blade would also work. The pasta could also be made using an electric mixer with the paddle hook but will take longer (maybe 8 minutes instead of 1).
Place all ingredients in the TM bowl.
Mix for 30 secs on speed 4.
If using another device; mix until all ingredients have combined and the dough is staying together.
Take dough out, it will be slightly sticky, wrap in plastic wrap or damp cloth to keep it moist. Let it rest for ~15 mins.
Divide dough.
Add a coloured ingredient to half of the dough. Knead the colour in using more Bakers' Magic Gluten free flour if the dough is too wet. Add more colour than you think is necessary as the colour will be less intense when the two colours are laminated together.
It is easier to roll out the dough when it has been kneaded. Prepare a clean work surface, dust it with a little of the extra flour to prevent the dough from sticking & knead until it is pliable.
Divide each of the coloured dough balls into half.
Choose the lighter colour to put through the pasta machine first. Put a portion of the dough through the pasta machine on the largest gap setting. Gently guide the dough with your hand when it is coming through the rollers. Fold the dough and repeat again on this setting. When you feel comfortable with feeding the dough into the machine and guiding the dough (pasta) out the gap can be decreased. Decrease the gap between the rollers by changing the setting - the narrowest setting I use is the 3rd smallest.
Gently lay the pasta on a flat surface.
Repeat with the other piece of dough of the same colour.
Repeat with both portions of the darker coloured pasta.
Carefully lay the darker coloured pasta piece on top of the lighter coloured one. Gently put this through the pasta machine. Dust with some of the extra flour to stop the pasta from sticking. Repeat for the remaining pasta dough.
To make fettuccine roll the dough up and cut into slices approximately 6 mm wide.
The fresh pasta will cook quickly in boiling water, ~ 2 minutes.